It provides both students and staff, opportunities to initiate or maintain a physically active lifestyle, through a varied sports calendar. Its main aim is to support and enhance a physically active college life.
The Sports & Leisure Unit invites students & staff to participate in various sports and physical activities organised on campus, who may choose to participate for leisure, fitness, social or competitive reasons. Sport Enrichment Programme Units, one-day events, competitions, inter-school leagues, and an annual Junior College Sports Festival, are part of the Sports & Leisure Unit’s calendar, intended for perusal by the Junior College community.
Sport facilities include both an 11-a-side and 5-a-side synthetic football grounds, an athletics track, two tennis courts, an outdoor volleyball court, a gymnasium (Fitness Hub) and a multipurpose sports hall. The latter can cater for a variety of activities ranging from table tennis, fitness classes, yoga, badminton, basketball, martial arts and more.
Students and staff have access to these facilities and sports equipment for free during College hours, and can inquire about availability either at the Sports Hall or by sending an email to the Sports & Leisure Unit. One can attend the Fitness Hub without the need to book during the opening hours.
All the sports facilities except the Fitness Hub may also be booked outside College hours against payment. To book, please send an email to the Sports & Leisure Unit.
Serje 1 - Programm 6: Healthy Lifestyle at the College - Karl Cortis, Roseann Dimech
Serje 2 - Programm 11: L-eżercizzju spiritwali u fiżiku - Fr Bernard Micallef, Rosanne Dimech
Serje 3 - Programm 11: Physical Education - Karl Cortis
Serje 6 - Programm 2: L-importanza tas-saħħa fiżika - Karl Cortis