The main objective of this procedure is to provide students who are requesting to withdraw from a course of study, with the necessary guidance, aid and support in the process before a final decision is taken.
Effective from October 2017
Students who need to withdraw from their course of study must make a formal request to the Students’ Services Office (SSO, Room B104) using the Withdrawal Requestform.
The duly filled in request form must be presented to the SSO during office hours.
The SSO shall then pass the requests to the Chair of the Student Support Services Committee (SSSC) for consideration within one working day.
The requesting student will be informed that s/he shall continue attending sessions regularly until the best course of action is established.
A Student Support Subcommittee (SSS) of the SSSC composed of the SSSC Chair and another member is set up to consider each request.
The SSS shall establish whether the parents/guardians, other people as well as other professionals should be involved at this stage or at a later stage.
The SSS will then set a meeting with the student and if need be with the parents/guardians too within five working days of the receipt of the request.
The SSS shall meet the student personally to evaluate the request.
The objective of the meeting is to better understand the underlying motivation of the request and offer the necessary support if need be.
The SSS will then analyse and evaluate all the information gathered from the request form, the meeting with the student and any consultations with other people, including relevant professionals.
The Principal of Junior College may be presented with the case and consulted on the matter where necessary.
A course of action as indicated below, will be taken within three (3) working days after the meeting.
The student together with the parents/guardians will be called to explain the recommendation of the SSSC.
It is up to the student together with his parents/guardians to decide whether to agree with the recommendation or to pursue an alternative path.
If the student decides to withdraw against the recommendation of the SSS, then s/he will be asked to hand the Junior College Student ID card to complete the process of withdrawal.