Guidelines for student welfare and wellbeing

Guidelines for student welfare and wellbeing

Endorsed by the Junior College Board on 12 September 2018.
Effective from 1 October 2018.

  1. It is the mission of the College to promote a holistic quality education for students.
  2. The aim of these guidelines is to provide a common approach to be used by all staff members based on formative measures for the welfare of students.
  3. The measures indicated have been purposely kept as simple as possible to be practical, easily adopted and hopefully more effective.
  4. It is the aim of these guidelines to reduce and whenever possible avoid the implementation of sanctions as set in 'Important Procedures and Student Duties' (cfr. Prospectus).
  5. It is very important to keep accurate records of attendance of students, meetings related to course work/projects/contact hours for future reference.
  6. These guidelines are aimed to: i) ensure a stimulating and positive learning environment, ii) nurture a sense of community, iii) encourage appropriate behaviour, iv) promote regular attendance, v) give direction with respect to assessment issues and vi) establish what should be done in case of emergency.
  1. Provide students with a positive learning environment in which they feel safe, respected, included and able to grow as individuals. Tutor-student ethical boundaries must be respected at all times.
  2. Strive to ensure a good lecturing quality, plain communication and a fair and just approach in resolving conflicts.
  3. Suggest and organise co-curricular activities that are meant to complement the formal academic programme.
  4. Encourage students to participate in co-curricular activities and/or to suggest activity ideas as they form part of their informal and non-formal education.
  5. Encourage students to attend formative and cultural events held both at College and/or elsewhere.
  1. Follow students who seem to have difficulties in managing or adjusting to College life.
  2. Draw the attention of the competent authority regarding students who appear to be in need of support.
  3. Encourage students to join a College-led group/club to foster a sense of belonging and activity. The full list of College-led groups is easily found in the College Prospectus.
  4. Help students understand the community value of attending events and activities organised by College and perhaps participating in the organisation of these events too. The full list of annual events organised by College is also published in the College Prospectus.
  5. Encourage students to seek the advice of the Youth Worker with respect to the involvement of upcoming events.
  1. Students are expected to demonstrate suitable behaviour at all times and in line with the 'Student Duties' section in the College Prospectus.
  2. Members of staff should apply the following procedure when challenging situations crop up:
    a. draw attention of student who deviates from established rules, or exhibits perturbing and worrying behaviour
    b. discuss problem with student individually
    c. fill in a behaviour report and send it to the Subject Coordinator
    d. send student to Subject Coordinator
    e. consult College counsellors and other professionals whenever the need arises
    f. inform parents
    g. avoid sending students out of class, report any students after the session to the Subject Coordinator, Area Coordinator and/or the Office of the Principal.
  1. Accurate records of attendance must be kept throughout the academic year.
  2. When a student is absent, draw his/her attention, ideally even if just for one day.
  3. When a student is repeatedly absent, inform in writing the subject coordinator before the two weeks of the attendance sheet pass. Download the Attendance Report form.   
  4. The coordinator tries to establish why the student is missing lessons (maybe due to prolonged illness, hospitalisation, etc.), and decide what best to do: talk to the student, refer to Vice-Principal, College counsellors or inform parents.
  1. When a student is not performing well, contact the student first, then the Subject Coordinator.
  2. Check whether the cause for the ill performance might have been beyond the student’s control.
  3. Inform the parents/guardians if deemed necessary.
  4. A fair and student-friendly system should be adopted in such cases.
  5. In addition report low achievers (less than 30% average mark) to the Student Wellbeing & Support Committee by filling in the Student Academic Support Report with feedback for each case. 
  1. It is highly recommended that in each department, a number of members of staff follow a First-Aid course, which should be refreshed regularly to be able to provide the appropriate assistance should the need arise. This is particularly needed where practical sessions/activities are involved.
  2. In case of emergency call 112. It is important that you also contact the Office of the Principal either by calling +356 2590 7244 or sending a student. The Subject Coordinator needs to be informed too.
  3. Do not move the injured individual and if necessary dismiss the session, keeping only a handful of people to assist as you deem fit.
  4. Report in writing the accident to the Subject Coordinator and Office of the Principal as required. Download the Accident-Injury Report form.