Computer-Aided Draughting

Computer-Aided Draughting

Computer-Aided Draughting (K005) is an Enrichment Programme Unit for students who are interested in graphics and areas related to design, architecture, engineering, construction studies, interior design and design & technology.


Learning Outcomes

By the end of this unit, students should be able to:

  • use AutoCAD software packages to draw 2D plans and designs
  • demonstrate competency in using some of the standard available features of a CAD application
  • create and manipulate objects or elements and to modify objects or elements.

21st century skills addressed in the unit:

  • ICT literacy 
  • Critical thinking
  • Creativity
  • Communication
  • Initiative
  • Adaptability

Duration and frequency of sessions

1 hour every week


Total duration of the EPU

20 hours


Proposed day and time

Tuesday 15:00-16:00 


Marks earned

Maximum marks possibly earned in this EPU: 10 marks 


Further details

Students need to be committed to attend and participate in all sessions and activities prepared. 


Additional benefits

May be used part of an SOK project provided that the students seek the approval of the SOK Coordinator. 


Student registration is on a first come first served basis, however students taking the intermediate level in Engineering Drawing & Graphical Communications would be given preference.


Registration/Participation fees 

No registration fees are required.


EP Coordinator

Mr Joseph Zammit


You need more information?
Contact the EP coordinator.