Environmental Science

Subject Coordinator

Dr Joe A. Doublet
Room E103

Environmental Science subject information

Intermediate level

Lectures: 2 hours per week

Environmental Science is offered only at Intermediate level. 

Students do not need to have any prior knowledge of any science subject before commencing their study of Environmental Science. The course caters for all students and will cover the following subject foci as found in the current IM syllabus. These are:

·         The atmosphere and air pollution;

·         The hydrosphere and water pollution;

·         Biodiversity;

·         Population dynamics and human populations;

·         Earth and the management of resources;

·         Climate change.

The two-year course will serve prospective students as a tool to understand and interpret the dynamics of the environment and the role played by humans and other organisms found around us. It opens up various opportunities for students to better understand issues concerning the natural environment both locally and also internationally thus giving them the cutting edge over others who might not be academically well-equipped in order to tackle such issues.

Listen to the episode dedicated to Environmental Science from the Junior College radio programme mill-Kulleġġ:
(the episode is in the Maltese language)
