Theatre & Performance

Subject Coordinator

Ms Olivianne Farrugia
Room Db13

Theatre & Performance subject information

Advanced level

Lectures: 4 hours per week
Practical sessions: 2 hours per week

Intermediate level

Lectures: 1 hour per week
Practical sessions: 2 hours per week

What is Theatre & Performance?

Theatre & Performance is a study programme that opens up the nature of theatre making by putting into question how, where, and why this phenomenon happens. It investigates how theatre evolved and developed through time with particular focus upon the Western history of theatre. Students who opt to take this course will be taken upon a journey to discover through theory, as well as practice, the performative nature of such an event. They will explore the social, political, and religious contexts for each particular timeframe alongside the theatre space, the work of the performer and how these are put into play to interact with the audience.

Theatre & Performance will equip students with critical tools as well as practical ones to help them develop their artistic qualities as theatre makers. Furthermore, the course promotes writing, analytical and reflective skills, a proactive disposition, individual expressivity, decision making, and group dynamics. The latter qualities are all valuable skills students will gain irrespective of whether they would wish to seek a career in the creative industry or elsewhere.

Students may study Theatre & Performance at Advanced or Intermediate level. Inquisitiveness, enthusiasm, eagerness to learn how to create and be part of performances, are the main ingredients students need to have to take this course. Furthermore, students will be encouraged to take part in theatrical events organised by Junior College.

Studying Theatre & Performance at Advanced Level

Advanced level students will have four hours of lectures and a two-hour practical workshop per week.

The lectures will focus upon:

  • theatre events, the work of practitioners, and theories developed throughout history
  • an in-depth analysis of three play-texts and the processes required to transform text to stage
  • an analysis and evaluation of live theatre performances*.
The practical workshops will focus upon:
  • performer training
  • creating solo as well as group performances**.

Studying Theatre & Performance at Intermediate Level

Intermediate level students will have a one-hour lecture and a two-hour practical workshop per week.

The lectures will focus upon:

  • theatre events, the work of practitioners, and theories developed throughout history.
The practical workshops will focus upon:
  • performer training
  • creating group performances**.

*All students (Intermediate and Advanced) will be asked to go watch live performances performed in Maltese and English, produced by local as well as International theatre practitioners, held in various locations in Malta.

**All students will be required to document their individual and/or group performance progress in a Logbook.

Listen to the episode dedicated to Theatre and Music from the Junior College radio programme mill-Kulleġġ:
(the episode is in the Maltese language)