6th Edition 13-14-15 September 2023
We invite presentations of a multidisciplinary nature which may be related, but not limited to, the following areas of knowledge and research:
If interested, kindly click HERE and submit the following:
Presentations given during the conference might be submitted for publication as a paper in the peer-reviewed journal Symposia Melitensia
Submissions’ deadline for abstract of presentation: 30 June 2023
A notification of acceptance will be sent to the corresponding authors via email. Presentations can only be carried out by their author/s or co-author/s.
Presentations at the Conference must carry a statement indicating that the authors have abided by the ethics regulations and procedures of their home institution and country and of the country in which the research was carried out, if this was different.
For more details pertaining to submissions, registration procedures and conference regulations, please refer to the Conference Policy and Regulations document (2023).
Inclusion of presentation in the conference programme requires registration and payment.
For more info:
Ġ.F. Abela Junior College, Ġużè Debono Square, Msida MSD 1252, Malta
Tel +356 2590 7244 Fax +356 21 243036
Email: aimc.jc@um.edu.mt
Website: Annual International Multidisciplinary Conference - L-Università ta' Malta (um.edu.mt)
Last updated: 26/04/2022