Annual International Multidisciplinary Conference Committee

Annual International Multidisciplinary Conference Committee

The committee is responsible for the organisation and running of the Junior College Annual International Multidisciplinary Conference (AIMC), normally held in September. The committee is an umbrella term as the committee is divided into three working sub-committees: the Executive Committee, the Conference Organising Committee and the Scientific Committee. The Executive Committee is composed of the Chairs of the different sub-committees to coordinate the processes efficiently. The Scientific Committee is also the Editorial Board of the journal Symposia Melitensia published by the Junior College.

The aims of the Executive Committee are to:
• coordinate the processes and efforts between the Organising and the Scientific Committees
• liaise with the College Administration
• give the general direction and provide a vision to AIMC.

The aims of the Organising Committee are to:
• plan, organise and run AIMC
• coordinate marketing plans and strategies to attract more abstracts and attendees
• update the website and social media channels associated with AIMC.

The aims of the Scientific Committee are to:
• prepare the call for presentations
• vet and process abstracts responding to annual calls
• publish the conference booklet with abstracts and relevant information
• liaise with the Symposia Melitensia Editorial Board about any papers that may be published on the journal.

2023/25 Committee Composition