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The Chaplaincy at Junior College embraces the charisma of enabling all those who come in contact with it to reflect on their uniqueness and how God’s presence in their life makes them more wholesome.

The Chaplaincy offers daily Mass at the College chapel at 07:30 (except Wednesdays) and at 12:15, daily adoration between 12:30 and 13:30, pastoral counselling and spiritual direction.

The Chaplain’s office may be found next to the foyer, while the chapel is close to the Pjazza, with an adjoining socialising area, both of which are open during College hours. We're located in Room C016.

Listen to the episode dedicated to physical and spiritual education from the Junior College radio programme mill-Kulleġġ:
(the episode is in the Maltese language)

More topics/subjects on mill-Kulleġġ

Want to know more? 

Contact Rev. Jesmond Grech