Non-Binary Arrangements

JC considers diversity to be both an essential value as well as an explicit practice in all that it stands for.

Our Diversity Committee, strives to ensure that the College Community embraces the inherent worth of individuals in an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation.

Students who identify themselves as gender variant, including non-binary and transgender amongst others may request an arrangement in the way their name is displayed on attendance lists. Students having a difficulty with identifying with their birth name or prefer other pronouns, are encouraged to fill in the Request for a change in name form in a safe space.

Students requesting changes must be aware that there are conditions and limitations imposed by the law. Once the request is submitted, the Vice-Principal shall hold a meeting with the student requesting the change to identify ways of support and the way forward together. The information given in the form may be shared with staff members on a need-to-know basis.


Need to know more?
Email the Chairperson of the Diversity Committee.,diversityandinclusion/non-binaryarrangements