8th Edition 10-11-12 September 2025
Connections Conference & Meeting Facilities, Junior College, Msida, Malta
University of Malta Junior College is once again organising its Annual International Multidisciplinary Conference entitled: Evolving Paradigms in Further Education (16+). We invite presentations of a multidisciplinary nature which may be related, but not limited to, the following areas of knowledge and research associated with Further Education.
The conference invites academics, practitioners, and researchers to explore challenges and opportunities in Further Education through the lens of the UNESCO Four Pillars of Learning:
Learning to Know: Emphasising knowledge acquisition and critical thinking skills.
Learning to Do: Focusing on practical application and employability skills.
Learning to Live Together: Encouraging collaboration, empathy, and social cohesion.
Learning to Be: Supporting self-development and holistic growth.
Study and Research Areas
Suggested topics and connections to UNESCO Pillars.
Know: Research on innovative teaching methodologies, assessment practices, and leadership in education
Do: Preparing students for employment through skills-based higher education
Live: Leadership training in fostering inclusive educational environments
Be: Enhancing teacher and student identity through professional and personal development
Know: Exploring cultural, ethical, and historical perspectives in education
Do: Practical applications in performance, media, and human ecology
Live: Promoting diversity and cross-cultural understanding through arts and humanities
Be: Supporting self-expression and identity formation through creative fields
Know: Developing knowledge of global economics, governance, and political science
Do: Focusing on entrepreneurship, management, and employability skills
Live: Understanding diplomacy and mediation to foster collaborative workplaces
Be: Financial wellbeing and exploring ethical leadership and self-awareness in business contexts
Know: Advancing linguistics, media literacy, and multilingual competencies
Do: Training in translation, interpreting, and communication technologies
Live: Encouraging intercultural dialogue through language studies
Be: Empowering individual voices through literature and creative expression
Know: Addressing foundational and advanced topics in science and mathematics
Do: Applying skills in ICT, Artificial Intelligence, and engineering for societal benefit
Live: Leveraging technology to solve global challenges
Be: Nurturing curiosity, creativity, and innovation in STEM education
Know: Understanding wellbeing through psychology, diversity studies, minorities and human rights education
Do: Implementing vocational training and support systems in education
Live: Building inclusive communities through restorative justice and safeguarding
Be: Cultivating holistic personal development and resilience in students and educators
Consult the AIMC Committee if your research area is not directly related to any of the categories and subdivisions above.
Submissions’ deadline for abstract of presentation: 30 June 2025.
A notification of acceptance will be sent to the corresponding author/s via email. Presentations can only be carried out by their author/s or co-author/s.
Presentations at the conference must carry a statement indicating that the authors have abided by the ethics regulations and procedures of their home institution and country and of the country in which the research was carried out, if this was different.
For more details, pertaining to submissions, registration procedures and conference regulations, please refer to the Conference Policy and Regulations 2025.
Inclusion of presentation in the conference programme requires registration and payment.
Presentations accepted and presented during the conference may be further developed by the author and subsequently submitted for consideration for publication as a paper in the peer-reviewed journal Symposia Melitensia.